Horse Care

Various tips and articles on how to care for your horses in a simple and natural manner.

Taking Care of Your Older Horse – Part 1

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Ben_Kerckx / Pixabay

There comes a time when every horse owner will realise that his horse is getting old. As horses age 3 times as fast as human beings, a 20 year old horse would be roughly equivalent to a 60 year old human being. The horse’s reflexes will slow down and he will become far less agile. However, just like with human beings, this is not yet the time to give up on your faithful old horse but it is vital that you start caring for him in a different way.

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Remedies For Arthritis In Older Horses

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Older horses suffer from arthritis

As all horse owners and trainers will tell you, it is not an uncommon occurrence for old horses to get affected by arthritis. The causes can be plenty and they can range from a sedentary lifestyle to simply old age. Nonetheless, as someone who cares for and loves your horse, there are certain remedies and treatments that you will be able to provide to alleviate the pain. Do bear in mind though that every horse should be treated differently so don’t take the remedies too generally. A remedy that works for one horse might not work for another so it is best that you understand your own horse well enough so that you can apply the best form of treatment.

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